
How to make a new swirl Kawasaki rose origami flower

(page 35)




Prepare to push the "heart" point down. It is currently concave down, i.e., the upside down of "U" shape.


Here, the heart point is the same heart point given in the step #65.


Apply the push. Now, the surface becomes "U" shape, i.e., it is now concave up.



left arrow
left arrow





HAND in hand! and lip to lip!

Oh, be faithful, maiden dear!
Fare thee well! thy lover's ship

Past full many a rock must steers
But should he the haven see,

When the storm has ceased to break,
And be happy, reft of thee,--

May the Gods fierce vengeance take!

Boldly dared is well nigh won!

Half my task is solved aright;
Ev'ry star's to me a sun,

Only cowards deem it night.
Stood I idly by thy side,

Sorrow still would sadden me;
But when seas our paths divide,

Gladly toil I,--toil for thee!

Now the valley I perceive,

Where together we will go,
And the streamlet watch each eve,

Gliding peacefully below
Oh, the poplars on yon spot!

Oh, the beech trees in yon grove!
And behind we'll build a cot,

Where to taste the joys of love!


Poem by Ohann Wolfgang Von Goethe