
How to make a new swirl Kawasaki rose origami flower

(page 16)




There are eight crease lines.


Prepare to apply the crease pattern (CP) shown on the left.


(1) First, apply four mountain-folds (blue dash-lines) and then (2) apply another four mountain-folds (green dash-lines).


This is after applying the step #29-(1).



left arrow
left arrow





My neighbour, none can e'er deny,

Is a most beauteous maid;
Her shop is ever in mine eye,

When working at my trade.

To ring and chain I hammer then

The wire of gold assay'd,
And think the while: "For Kate, oh when

Will such a ring be made?"

And when she takes her shutters down,

Her shop at once invade,
To buy and haggle, all the town,

For all that's there displayd.

I file, and maybe overfile

The wire of gold assay'd;
My master grumbles all the while,--

Her shop the mischief made.

To ply her wheel she straight begins,

When not engaged in trade;
I know full well for what she spins,--

'Tis hope guides that dear maid.

Her leg, while her small foot treads on,

Is in my mind portray'd;
Her garter I recall anon,--

I gave it that dear maid.

Then to her lips the finest thread

Is by her hand convey'd.
Were I there only in its stead,

How I would kiss the maid!


Poem by Ohann Wolfgang Von Goethe