
How to make a new swirl Kawasaki rose origami flower

(page 32)




We need to prepare for a" double reverse fold" consisting of two mountain and two valley folds.


Double-reverse fold map is shown in detail on the left.


The order of folding will be:


(1) star --> diamond


(2)star --> heart


(3) diamond --> triangle


(4) heart --> triangle

62th picture of New swirl Kawasaki rose origami flower


First, you need to find the "star" point which is located about 3.6 units from the edge.


If you want to count it from the first grid near the edge, then it will be exactly 3 units.


If we consider this star point as a coordinate origin (0, 0) of xy-system, then the "diamond" point will be at (1, -2).


Prepare for a mountain-fold along the blue line starting from the star and ending at the diamond.



left arrow
left arrow





AS a butterfly renew'd,

When in life I breath'd my last,

To the spots my flight I wing,

Scenes of heav'nly rapture past,

Over meadows, to the spring,
Round the hill, and through the wood.

Soon a tender pair I spy,

And I look down from my seat

On the beauteous maiden's head--

When embodied there I meet

All I lost as soon as dead,
Happy as before am I.

Him she clasps with silent smile,

And his mouth the hour improves,

Sent by kindly Deities;

First from breast to mouth it roves,

Then from mouth to hands it flies,
And I round him sport the while.

And she sees me hov'ring near;

Trembling at her lovers rapture,

Up she springs--I fly away,

"Dearest! let's the insect capture

Come! I long to make my prey
Yonder pretty little dear!"


Poem by Ohann Wolfgang Von Goethe