
How to make a Seashell Origami Flower Base

(page 15)



27th picture of seashell origami flower base


Your bird base is now completed.


Prepare a valley-fold.

28th picture of seashell origami flower base


Fold down the top layer of right-side by applying the valley-fold along the red dash-line of the step #27.



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The Sea Shell

I have hidden inside a sea shell
but forgotten in which.

Now daily I dive,
filtering the sea through my fingers,
to find myself.
Sometimes I think
a giant fish has swallowed me.
Looking for it everywhere I want to make sure
it will get me completely.

The sea-bed attracts me, and
I��m repelled by millions
of sea shells that all look alike.
Help, I am one of them.
If only I knew, which.

How often I��ve gone straight up
to one of them, saying: That��s me.
Only, when I prised it open
it was empty.