arrow_left A Miura-ken Beauty Rose (Lang Rose) arrow_right
(page 19)



Prepare to convert valley-folds into mountain-folds and also to convert valley-folds into mountin-folds.


We could call this folding technique as "invert-fold".


Apply the conversion folds of the step #35.

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right arrow

19. The Miller and the Brook


The Miller:
Where a true heart
Wastes away in love,
There wilt the lilies
In every bed;

Then into the clouds must
The full moon go,
So that her tears
Men do not see;

Then angels
shut their eyes
And sob and sing
to rest the soul.

The Brook:
And when Love
conquers pain,
a little star, a new one,
shines in Heaven;

three roses,
half red and half white,
which never wilt,
spring up on thorny stalks.

And the angels cut
their wings right off
and go every morning
down to Earth.

The Miller:
Ah, brooklet, dear brook,
You mean it so well,
Ah, brooklet, but do you know,
What love does?

Ah, under, yes under,
is cool rest!
Ah, brooklet, dear brook,
please just sing on.

Die schone Mullerin by Wilhelm Muller
music by Franz Schubert Op. 25

Origami Rose Paper Flower, A Miura-ken Beauty Rose, opus 482 by Robert J. Lang ( Lang Rose )

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