How to make a spiral origami rose 
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page is for those who want the instructions to fold a spiral rose. This spiral rose was designed by Hyo Ahn. This rose simluates rosebud which means that it is youngest family member of all origami roses. This rose is as simple as the standard rose in folding. Only the difficult part is to make the spiral effect. If you encounter any problem in folding or want to share any ideas, please use the forum of spiral rose. If you want to make a tutorial video out of this rose, you don't need to get a permission from me if you put the title as "Origami rosebud from". You should contact me in any other cases.
You may use any kind of paper to fold the
standard rose (*it is easier if the front and the back side of the paper are
slightly different whether it be in texture or color)
Make sure the paper
that you use is a square (all sides are equal and all the angles
equal 90 degrees). The paper I am using here is 20cm x 20cm square one.