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How to fold an origami rose

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arrow_left How to make a Jewelry rose flower arrow_right
(page 18)



Lay the rose down and concentrate on one leg.


Valley fold along the red-line shown in the step #33.

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Purification II

There are many possibilities that people can choose from. There are bad and there are good ones. So, look carefully and choose for yourself the noble path.
If among people delusion prevails over truth, the wise steps aside and waits until truth reigns again.
Heed to what I am going to tell you:
Do not let deeds and thoughts of other people confuse you; let them not prompt you to do or say anything evil!
Listen to others' advice and deliberate yourself! Only fools act thoughtlessly, without consideration!
Do not try to do work of which you are ignorant, but learn first what is necessary - only then will you succeed!
Do not neglect the health of your body. Give to the body food, drink, and exercise in measure - so that it strengthen and know not surfeit and slumber!
Keep your life in order. Abandon any luxury, for it can make other people envious.
Be afraid of becoming a stingy person, but fear also to squander goods like careless people do.
Do only that which will not lead you to destruction! Therefore, before acting, deliberate on your every step and deed.

Golden Verses of Pythagoras