How to fold origami rose flowers
Easy Origami Rose Flowers
If you haven't folded any origami model before, welcome to the fun of folding origami rose flower. Since we are dealing 3D-model here, it might be very hard for you to start with 3D origami rose initially. There are many sites giving instructions for 2D-models (you can search the web using "origami" as a key word). If you are confident with 2D-models, then you can start with "Easy Origami Roses" here. They are easy compared to other intermediate/advanced models but you might find them to be difficult since they are one dimension higher than 2D-models. If you are becoming comfortable with these roses, then you can start work on Standard Rose or Spiral Rose. But before start working on Easy Origami Rose Flower, you need to know some basics of origami folding techniques known as valley-fold and mountain-fold. They are shown in How To Make Origami page. After you learned what valley-fold and mountain-fold are, you need to practice these folding techniques with some simple origami models. If you have not folded an origami crane before, it is a good practice to learn it now. Origami crane will teach you not only valley and mountain folds but also more advanced technique called "inside reverse-fold".
I would like hear your comments on these instructions. So don't forget to email me at . And also If you find any bugs on any page, please don't hesitate to email to me.
Please note that the designer indicated as "Unknown" is unknown to me. If you happen to know the original designer, please let me know so that I can correct it. Also the designer indicated as "John Doe / Hyo Ahn" means that John Doe originally designed it and it was modified by Hyo Ahn.
Origami Rose |
Description |
Easy Origami Rose I
This is an easy origami rose flower that you can make from a bird-base model. |
Level |
Beginner |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Easy Origami Rose II
This is an easy origami rose flower that you can make from a bird-base model.
This rose is called "spinning top rose".
Level |
Beginner |
Copyright |
Unknown |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Easy Origami Rose III
This origami rose flower may not be simple to fold since it is not from the bird-base. But I am showing this rose since it is inherited from a base which is similar to the bird-base folding sequence.
Level |
Beginner |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Easy Origami Rose IV
This origami rose flower is similar to Lovely Rose as Easy Origami Rose I to the Spinning Top Rose.
Level |
Beginner |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Intermediate Origami Rose Flowers
If you are an intermediate folder, you can skip "Easy Origami Rose Flowers" section and jump right on this section. It is recommended to learn folding "Standard Rose" as well as "Spiral Rose" before working on any other models since they both have a key concept which apply to other advanced models.
After you finish folding your rose flower, you might need calyx, leaf, and stem to complete your rose or you might just need a base for your rose.
I would like to hear your comments on these instructions, so please feel free to send me an email at .
Please note that the designer indicated as "Unknown" is unknown to me. If you happen to know the original designer, please let me know so that I can correct it. Also the designer indicated as "John Doe / Hyo Ahn" means that John Doe originally designed it and it was modified by Hyo Ahn.
Origami Rose |
Description |
Budding: Origami Rosebud
The spiral origami rose flower (or rosebud) was designed by Hyo Ahn. This rose simulates rosebud which means that it is the youngest family member of all origami rose flowers. The beginning part of folding is similar to that of folding the standard rose. It is fairly simple to fold except the spiral part. Let's get started.
Level |
Beginner/Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Description |
Early half-bloom: Origami Rose Flower

This standard origami rose flower was originally designed by Toshikazu Kawasaki. This is the simplistic rose design he made out of three.
Level |
Beginner/Intermediate |
Copyright |
Toshikazu Kawasaki / Hyo Ahn |
Description |
Budding: Origami Rosebud

This Dream Origami Rosebud is a multi-petal version of the Spiral Origami Rose Flower.
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Description |
Early half-bloom: Origami Rose Flower

This Dream Origami Rose Flower is a multi-petal version of the Standard Origami Rose Flower.
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Mid half-bloom: Origami Rose Flower
The Jewelry Origami Rose Flower is similar to QT rose in body structure. The difference is in the center part of the rose where it is still in the state of budding. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Description |
Mid half-bloom:
Origami Rose Flower
This QT Origami Rose Flower simulates mid half-bloom rose flower where the center part of rose opens a quite a bit but the petals not extended outward yet. The beginning part of folding is the same as Kawasaki rose so if you have folded Kawasaki rose before, then it would be easy to follow. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Late half-bloom: Origami Rose Flower
The original designer of this Swirl Origami Rose Flower is unknown to me (notify to me if you know). This rose represents a late half-bloom rose flower. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Unknown |
Description |
Full-bloom: Origami Rose Flower
This is the famous full-bloom Kawasaki rose. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Toshikazu Kawasaki |
Description |
Budding & half-bloom: Origami Rose Flowers
This is the famous budding & half-bloom Kawasaki roses. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Toshikazu Kawasaki |
Advanced Origami Rose Flowers
If you have mastered all the intermediate roses or if you think intermediate roses are too easy for you, then you can start work on advanced roses here. New Kawasaki rose would be a good choice for you to start with. After that you can work on New Swirl Kawasaki rose or Fuller-Bloom New Kawasaki rose.
After you finish folding your rose, you might need calyx, leaf, and stem to complete your rose or you might just need a base for your rose.
I would like to hear your comments on these instructions, so please feel free to send me an email at .
Origami Rose |
Description |
Full-bloom: Origami Rose Flower
New Kawasaki rose is the latest and the most advanced version of the rose he designed. |
Level |
Advanced |
Copyright |
Toshikazu Kawasaki |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Full-bloom: Origami Rose Flower
New swirl Kawasaki rose is a modified version of new Kawasaki's rose with swirly effect at the center. |
Level |
Advanced |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Fuller-bloom: Origami Rose Flower
The rose on the left is the fuller-bloom new Kawasaki's rose which can be compare to the one on the right, the original new Kawaski's rose. |
Level |
Advanced |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Fullest-bloom: Origami Rose Flower
The rose on the left is the fullest-bloom new Kawasaki's rose which can be compare to the one on the right, the original new Kawaski's rose. |
Level |
Advanced |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Complete Origami Rose Flower with Calyx, Leaf, and Stem
Origami Rose |
Description |
Origami Rose Flower
origami rose flower is easy to fold and if you are a beginner in folding, it would be good to try it out.
Here you can make a complete rose with calyx, stem, and leaf.
Thus, it would be an excellent choice for a Valentine's rose. |
Level |
Beginner |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Five-Petals Origami Rose Flowers
Here you can learn folding a pentagon paper to make five-petals origami rose. If you have not learned folding four-petals origami rose, it is recommended to learn it first before working on five-petals one since it is more difficult to make five-petals rose. |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Easy Origami Rose I
This is the five-petals version of easy origami rose I. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Origami Rose |
Description |
Easy Origami Rose II
This is the five-petals version of easy origami rose II, spinning-top rose. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Description |
Origami Rose Flower

This is a five-petals version of Lovely Origami Rose. It is a little complicated compared to the four-petals rose. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Description |
Early half-bloom: Origami Rose Flower

I urge you to learn four-petals spiral rose before working on this five-petals model. |
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Description |
Early half-bloom: Origami Rose Flower

This five-petals standard rose is a little difficult to fold compared to the four-petals standard rose.
Level |
Intermediate |
Copyright |
Hyo Ahn |
Check out 1800 flowers to send a real rose along with your origami rose to the ones you love!