
How to make an origami rose paper flower, Swirl Rose

(page 12)



21th picture of Swirl origami rose


Turn the paper over.

22th picture of Swirl origami rose


This will be the folding map for the steps #23-38.


If you miss any step, you can come back here to figure out what went wrong.



left arrow
left arrow





ONE Spring-morning bright and fair,

Roam'd a shepherdess and sang;
Young and beauteous, free from care,

Through the fields her clear notes rang:
So, Ia, Ia! le ralla, &c.;

Of his lambs some two or three

Thyrsis offer'd for a kiss;
First she eyed him roguishly,

Then for answer sang but this:
So, Ia, Ia! le ralla, &c.;

Ribbons did the next one offer,

And the third, his heart so true
But, as with the lambs, the scoffer

Laugh'd at heart and ribbons too,--
Still 'twas Ia! le ralla, &c.;

Poem by Ohann Wolfgang Von Goethe