
How to make a five-sepals supreme origami calyx

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five sepals supreme origami calyx (side view)

five sepals supreme origami calyx (top view)five sepals supreme origami calyx (bottom view)


Level Intermediate
Copyright Hyo Ahn

This page is for those who want the instruction to fold a Five-Sepals Supreme Origami Calyx. This is a five-sepals version of supreme origami calyx that you need when you put a stem to your rose. It is a little difficult to fold if you compare this with the four-sepals version. But it is still fairly easy to make it.


If you are ready, then let's get started.


If you find any bugs on this instruction, please send an email to HyoAhn's email.


You may use any kind of paper to fold the origami star (*it is easier if the front and the back side of the paper are slightly different whether it be in texture or color).

Make sure the paper that you use is a square (all sides are equal and all the angles equal 90 degrees).

Five-sepals supreme origami calyx: front side of paper


The paper size of the base should be 1/4 of the rose paper.

Five-sepals supreme origami calyx: back side of paper


However, if your rose is any of "Easy Origami Rose", then your paper for the calyx should be 3/4 of height and width of the paper of your rose.

Five-sepals supreme origami calyx


what the front side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like

Five-sepals supreme origami calyx


what the back side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like

Five-sepals supreme origami calyx


There is an instruction to teach how to make a regular pentagon out of a square paper.


You can easily get a regular pentagon from the instruction.


This is the front side of the regular pentagon.

Five-sepals supreme origami calyx


This is the back side of the regular pentagon.


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Paper hearts

Mixed feelings and emotions
days just pass me by
paper hearts are broken
this time i know why

this time the words were mine
the words that broke a heart
took us from a happy couple
and made us fall apart

but my hearts the one digressing
a steady beat coming to a halt
this time im the one to blame
this time its my fault

Poem by Patrick O'shaughnessy