How to make an Easy Origami Rose II arrow_right

Spinning Top Rose

(page 1)


candlestick base Acandlestick base A




Level Beginner
Designer Unknown




This page is for those who want the instructions to fold an Easy Origami Rose II, spinning top rose.  This is a simple origami rose that you can fold from the bird-base.


You may use any kind of paper to fold this base (*it is easier if the front and the back side of the paper are slightly different whether it be in texture or color).

Make sure the paper that you use is a square (all sides are equal and all the angles equal 90 degrees). The paper I am using here is 20cm x 20cm square one.


candlestick base A <what the front side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like>

candlestick base C
<what the back side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like>


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For The First Time

Into my world
of darkness and silence,
you brought light and music.

When you lit my candle,
I began to see and understand
the taste and texture of love.

For the first time.

Poem by John Irvine


Easy Origami Rose Paper Flower II, Spinning-Top Rose

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