
How to make a jewelry origami rose paper flower

(page 17)



31th picture of jewelry origami rose paper flower


The folding map of the step #30 is shown here.


If the step #30 is unclear to you, you can certainly figure out the four valley-foldings from this map.

32th picture of jewelry origami rose paper flower


This is the top view of the rose after the completion of four valley foldings of the steps #30-31.


All of four wings are transformed into four legs.



left arrow
left arrow




Purification I

Honor your mother and father, and your relatives.
Choose for yourself a wise friend; heed his advice and learn from his example; do not quarrel with him for trifle reasons.
Remember about the law of cause and effect in your life.
You are given the ability to overcome your passions: greed, laziness, lust, and anger; use it and restrain yourself!
Do nothing shameful, be you with other or alone! Preserve your honor!
Practice justice in your words and deeds; follow the dictates of reason and law.
Remember that all people are destined to die.
Remember that the earthly boons can be easily given to people and so easily they can be taken from them.
As for the misfortunes that are sent to people according to their destinies, you have to endure them patiently. Strive nevertheless to alleviate the pain as much as you can. And remember that the Immortal Gods never send to people trials which are above their strengths.

Poem by Golden Verses Of Pythagoras