
How to make an origami rose paper flower, Dream Rose

(page 32)



61th picture of dream origami rose paper flower


After curling all petals, the rose is now completed.

62th picture of dream origami rose paper flower


There is a variation of this rose.


Let's start from the step #37.


Prepare for a valley-fold.



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left arrow




Onto the sea
I sailed my boat
And prayed that it
Would stay afloat

From dawn til dusk
From dusk til dawn
In search of love
I drifted on

What happened then
I don't recall
I think it was
A sudden squall

For when I awoke
I thought I died
At the sight of an angel
At my side

But lucky for me
That was not true
For I found love
And love was you.

Poem by Ritney Brundage