
How to make a triple origami leaf

(page 33)



63th picture of triple origami leaf


Watch the leaf from the top.


Prepare for two mountain-folds and two hidden valley-folds.

64th picture of triple origami leaf


Apply two mountain-folds and two valley-folds.


Prepare for two mountain-folds.



left arrow
left arrow




A Leaf For Memory

Not to the brave upon the battle-field
Alone, the palms of victory belong;
Nor only to the great of earth the song
Of praise and paean should the singer yield.
Greater the souls that, single handed, wield
The battle-ax against the hosts of wrong,
Unknown, un-noted, in life��s reckless throng,
And only in God��s day to stand revealed.
How many such, in patient, humble guise,
Beside us walk their grief-appointed way!
Nobly enduring; worthiest to shine
As fixed stars in fame��s eternal skies.
For these, for this, I reverently lay
On her dear dust this little leaf of mine.

Poem by Ina D. Coolbrith