
How to make a simple quadruple origami leaf

(page 5)



7th picture of simple quadruple origami leaf II


Open the model a little.


Prepare to rotate the origami leaf model by 45 degrees.

8th picture of simple quadruple origami leaf II


Rotate the origami leaf model by 45 degrees.


Prepare to apply an "inside reverse-fold"



left arrow
left arrow


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My Heart, Trembling Like a Leaf

My heart, trembling like a leaf in the first breeze before the storm
As clouds clash high above
Trembles and shivers in the deepest pain
This then is what is called love

My heart, trembling like a leaf in the scorching sun
Almost dried, almost died
My heart was after all, just a heart
Like others that sighed and cried

My heart, trembling like a leaf under the light of the moon
As nightbirds alighted on branches
Shuddered, as though underneath it saw
A cavalry that onward marches

My heart, trembling like a leaf before a storm
Almost, almost stopped still
All those fanciful theories of being and existing
Couldn��t then this heart fulfill.

There was a leaf that fluttered in the storm
It silently waited for it��s dreams to take form.

Poem by Rani Turton