
How to make an ultimate origami calyx

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ultimate origami Calyx

ultimate origami Calyx

ultimate origami Calyx


Level Intermediate
Copyright Hyo Ahn

This page is for those who want the instructions to fold an Ultimate Origami Calyx.  This is a calyx which resembles the real one very closely. It is recommended to master other calyxes before trying this one.


You may use any kind of paper to fold this base (*it is easier if the front and the back side of the paper are slightly different whether it be in texture or color).

Make sure the paper that you use is a square (all sides are equal and all the angles equal 90 degrees). The paper I am using here is 10cm x 10cm square one.


ultimate origami calyx: front side of paper


The paper size of the base should be 1/4 of the rose paper.

ultimate origami calyx: back side of paper


However, if your rose is any of "Easy Origami Rose", then your paper for the calyx should be 3/4 of height and width of the paper of your rose.

ultimate origami calyx


what the front side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like

ultimate origami calyx


what the back side of the paper we will be using in these instructions looks like


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Hymn, The

At morn- at noon- at twilight dim-
Maria! thou hast heard my hymn!
In joy and woe- in good and ill-
Mother of God, be with me still!
When the hours flew brightly by,
And not a cloud obscured the sky,
My soul, lest it should truant be,
Thy grace did guide to thine and thee;
Now, when storms of Fate o'ercast
Darkly my Present and my Past,
Let my Future radiant shine
With sweet hopes of thee and thine!

Poem by Dgar Allan Poe