
How to make a Pinwheel Origami Flower Base

(page 12)



21th picture of pinwheel origami flower base


Let's begin so-called "petal-fold" .


Lift the bottom corner upwards.

22th picture of pinwheel origami flower base


Continue lifting.



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All love deforms the base of time

all love deforms the base of time
distorts the realm of argument
cracks law��s egg with the hammer crime
and says what really is not meant

it is the this of feeling/thought
that is not here, there or the other
that can��t by cash or thought be bought
makes friend or enemy of foe or brother

love is the pregnant wife of needs
that bears the saviour of the fall
ends on a cross or bears and breeds
no matter which, it saves us all

Poem by Evin Straw