
How to make a new Kawasaki rose origami flower (Angled Kawasaki Rose)

(page 29)



55th picture of New (Angled) Kawasaki rose paper flower


Try to align two edges (x-axis and negative y-axis).

56th picture of New (Angled) Kawasaki rose paper flower


The negative y and x-axes are aligned exactly.



left arrow
left arrow





DRINK, oh youth, joy's purest ray
From thy loved one's eyes all day,

And her image paint at night!
Better rule no lover knows,
Yet true rapture greater grows,

When far sever'd from her sight.

Powers eternal, distance, time,
Like the might of stars sublime,

Gently rock the blood to rest,
O'er my senses softness steals,
Yet my bosom lighter feels,

And I daily am more blest.

Though I can forget her ne'er,
Yet my mind is free from care,

I can calmly live and move;
Unperceived infatuation
Longing turns to adoration,

Turns to reverence my love.

Ne'er can cloud, however light,
Float in ether's regions bright,

When drawn upwards by the sun,
As my heart in rapturous calm.
Free from envy and alarm,

Ever love I her alone!


Poem by Ohann Wolfgang Von Goethe