Rotate the paper by 90 degrees and fold the paper in half.
Unfold the paper.
Now, we have four creases.
5. On the Restful Evening
Quite fast
If only I had a thousand
arms to move!
If I could loudly
drive the wheels!
If I could blow
Through all the groves!
If I could turn
All the stones!
So that the beautiful Millermaid
Would notice my faithful thoughts!
Ah, why is my arm so weak?
What I lift, what I carry,
What I cut, what I beat,
Every lad does it just as well as I do.
And there I sit in the great gathering,
In the quiet, cool hour of rest,
And the master speaks to us all:
"Your work has pleased me;"
And the lovely maiden says
"Good night to everyone."
Die schone Mullerin by Wilhelm Muller music by Franz Schubert Op. 25