arrow_left Fuller-Bloom New Kawasaki's Rose Flower arrow_right
(page 28)


Kawasaki rose flower 53


Flip the paper over.


Now, the paper has four quadrants. Try to imagine that the x-axis is attached to the edge of quadrant IV and the negative y-axis to the edge of quadrant III.

Kawasaki rose flower 54


Hold the negative y-axis (i.e., the edge of quadrant III) with two fingers and try to align it with the x-axis (i.e., the edge of quadrant IV).


If you do it correctly, then it will make two valley-folds and two mountain-folds shown on the left.

left arrow
right arrow

left quotation mark

Crisis is sweet and yet the Heart

Crisis is sweet and yet the Heart
Upon the hither side
Has Dowers of Prospective
To Denizens denied

Inquire of the closing Rose
Which rapture she preferred
And she will point you sighing
To her rescinded Bud.

Poem by Emily Dickinson

right quotation mark

Origami Rose Paper Flower, Fuller-Bloom New Kawasaki Rose

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