
How to make an origami primrose flower

(page 6)



9th picture of origami primrose flower


Press and rotate the center region of the step #8 in the counter-clockwise direction.

10th picture of origami primrose flower


Prepare to pull two opposite edges in the opposite directions.



left arrow
left arrow


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With Primroses

WITHIN a wood, no farther from the sea
Than you might hear the waves dash audibly,
These flowers grew; the high hills, closing round,
Made of the little dell a fairy ground
For warmth and greenness; never winter dare
Invade the softness of its tranquil air.
Adown the wood a lucent stream doth brawl,
And earliest here the welcome cuckoos call;
In the far distance white-sail'd vessels ride,
Or tiny fleets of fishers deck the tide.
My picture is too faint, but it may bring
Some image to you of the scenes I sing.

Poem by Bessie Rayner Parkes