
How to make a six petals origami lily

(page 10)



17th picture of six petals origami lily


Rotate the origami lily flower model by 90 degrees.


Prepare to fold three petals following the arrow directions.

18th picture of six petals origami lily


Fold three petals following the arrow directions of the step #17.


Now, prepare to make another model following the steps #1-18.



left arrow
left arrow


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




And then her look! the tone

With which she calls: Pipi! Pipi!
Would draw Jove's eagle from his throne;
Yes, Venus' turtle doves, I wean,
And the vain peacock e'en,
Would come, I swear,
Soon as that tone had reach'd them through the air.

E'en from a forest dark had she

Enticed a bear, unlick'd, ill-bred,

And, by her wiles alluring, led
To join the gentle company,
Until as tame as they was he:
(Up to a certain point, be't understood!)
How fair, and, ah, how good
She seem'd to be! I would have drain'd my blood
To water e'en her flow'rets sweet.

"Thou sayest: I! Who? How? And where?"--
Well, to be plain, good Sirs--I am the bear;

In a net-apron, caught, alas!

Chain'd by a silk-thread at her feet.

But how this wonder came to pass
I'll tell some day, if ye are curious;
Just now, my temper's much too furious.

Ah, when I'm in the corner plac'd,

And hear afar the creatures snapping,

And see the flipping and the flapping,

I turn around

With growling sound,

And backward run a step in haste,

And look around

With growling sound.

Poem by Ohann Wolfgang Von Goethe