
How to make an origami hydrangea flower

(page 6)



9th picture of origami hydrangea flower


Apply the valley-fold of the step #8.


Prepare to apply a mountain-fold.

10th picture of origami hydrangea flower


Apply the mountain-fold of the step #9.


Prepare to turn the origami hydrangea flower model over



left arrow
left arrow


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11 12



Faded Flower, The

Ungrateful he, who pluck'd thee from thy stalk,
Poor faded flow'ret! on his careless way;
Inhal'd awhile thy odours on his walk,
Then onward pass'd and left thee to decay.
Ah! melancholy emblem! had I seen
Thy modest beauties dew'd with Evening's gem,
I had not rudely cropp'd thy parent stem,
But left thee, blushing, 'mid the enliven'd green.
And now I bend me o'er thy wither'd bloom,
And drop the tear - as Fancy, at my side,
Deep-sighing, points the fair frail Abra's tomb -
'Like thine, sad Flower, was that poor wanderer's pride!
Oh! lost to Love and Truth, whose selfish joy
Tasted her vernal sweets, but tasted to destroy!'

Poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge