
How to make an origami frangipani flower

(page 10)



17th picture of origami frangipani flower


Turn the origami frangipani flower model over.


Prepare to apply a valley-fold and a mountain-fold.

18th picture of origami frangipani flower


Apply the valley-fold and the moutnain-fold of the step #17.


Prepare to apply a vertical valley-fold.



left arrow
left arrow


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The inner magnet sings like flower to bee, like bee to flower

The inner magnet sings
like flower to bee; like bee to flower -

Some traditions say, that
we all have an inner sound; which
we can train; or can leave it be..
as gold for Midas; Midas, so, for gold;

and this, it's said, calls pupil to their teacher;
teacher to their pupil; it is
that yearning to know more
that draws the two to unity;

anmd so the holy men
show no surprise to see you there
(unsure, nonplussed, and wondering..)
at their holy feet which are not theirs..
holy chicken, holy egg...

so here I sit, pen down, and silent, still,
loving this idea; asking nothing;
treasuring, now, this sound
I cannot hear as yet;
and yet, may be as loud
as pindropp silence in the heart:
the lovely sound
of listening itself.

Poem by Michael Shepherd