
How to make an eight petals origami flower

(page 19)



35th picture of eight petals origami flower


Flatten the petal by pulling two edges in the opposite directions according to the step #34.


Prepare to apply a horizontal valley-fold.

36th picture of eight petals origami flower


Apply the horizontal valley-fold of the step #35.


Prepare to rotate the origami flower model by 90 degrees.



left arrow
left arrow


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Flower of Love

The perfume of your body dulls my sense.
I want nor wine nor weed; your breath alone
Suffices. In this moment rare and tense
I worship at your breast. The flower is blown,
The saffron petals tempt my amorous mouth,
The yellow heart is radiant now with dew
Soft-scented, redolent of my loved South;
O flower of love! I give myself to you.
Uncovered on your couch of figured green,
Here let us linger indivisible.
The portals of your sanctuary unseen
Receive my offering, yielding unto me.
Oh, with our love the night is warm and deep!
The air is sweet, my flower, and sweet the flute
Whose music lulls our burning brain to sleep,
While we lie loving, passionate and mute.

Poem by Claude McKay