
How to make an origami cosmos flower

(page 7)



11th picture of origami cosmos flower


Turn the origami cosmos model over.


Prepare to repeat the steps #1-6.

12th picture of origami cosmos flower


Repeat the steps #1-6.


There are 12 crease lines.



left arrow
left arrow


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THE tiny thing of painted gauze that flutters in the sun
And sinks upon the breast of night with all its living done;

The unconsidered seed that from the garden blows away,
Blooming its little time to bloom in one short summer day;

The leaf the idle wind shakes down in autumn from the tree,
The grasshopper who for an hour makes gayest minstrelsy--

These--and this restless soul of mine--are one with flaming spheres
And cold, dead moons whose ghostly fires haunt unremembered years.

Poem by Isabel Ecclestone Mackay