
How to make a five-petals spiral origami rose paper flower

(page 7)



11th picture of Five-petals spiral origami rose paper flower


Repeat the step #7 to all five sides (except the one that is done already).

12th picture of Five-petals spiral origami rose paper flower


Gather all the five sides of the rose so that they are grasped in your fist.



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One-Way Traffic

An old lion, who was too weak to hunt or fight for his food, decided that he must get it by his wits. He lay down in a cave, pretending to be ill, and whenever any animals came to visit him, he seized them and ate them.

When many had perished in this way, a fox who had seen through the trick came and stood at a distance from the cave, and inquired how he was.

"Bad," the lion answered, and asked why he did not come in.

"I would have come in," said the fox, "but I saw a lot of tracks going in and none coming out."

A wise man recognizes danger signals in time to avoid injury.

Poem by Aesop's Fables